AlTerNaTE DiMenSiOn

Monday, October 20, 2008


Monday, 20th October 2008


Had a lil chat till the wee hours of the day today with a friend. She was looking for some answers to a question that was bugging her. Sadly I couldn’t provide her those answers as only she knows the answers… And here I was also looking for mine and she gave me an idiom before she left which loosely means you always see the things far away that you don’t see what is near…

Which makes me think that maybe I should see what is in front of me instead of looking too far ahead… There were times aplenty when I wish that, that could be my answer but deep down inside I know its not possible that she is my answer… but well its not as easy as that… but then... in future you can never know… but for now its a big fat NO... only time will tell is that to be my answer… :P


Norman: Yul im sorry with the way I treated you back then just that I wasn’t really in my right state of mind…

Nurul: Its ok baby… whats matters is your mind is with me right now…

Norman: Yarh… anyway thanks for remembering…

Nurul: Remembering?

Norman: Yarh on how much I like this place… it always makes me relax… better still if I can get to see the sunset…

Nurul: How can I forget… it is here where you brought me on our first date… and it is also here when we got most of our first…

Norman: Most of our first?

Nurul: You men you forget?

Norman: Errr…

Nurul: Expected of you to forget… remember the time I almost slipped when I wanted to sit… you hold my hands for the first time… what about the time when I shivered after watching the sunset with you… you wrapped me around with your jacket and hugged me… and of course… im sure you couldn’t have forgotten this…

Norman: This?

Nurul: *Nurul comes forward and kisses Norman*

In the background… Danial and Nora saw the kiss…

Danial: Nora im sorry… didn’t know he’d bring her here…

Nora: Danial… its not your fault… this time im positive I really wanna go home…

Danial: But what about all these food? Nora wait…
*chases after Nora*

Zooms in back to Norman… stops kissing Nurul and look back,,,

Norman: Did you hear?

Nurul: Hear what?

Norman: I donno I thought I heard Danial’s voice…

Nurul: No I don’t… Silly you… he isn’t here...

Norman: Must be my imagination…

Nurul: You just cant stop thinking about your friends can you? First Rauf now him…

Norman: Sorry..

Nurul: Its okay… now shhhh *puts finger on Norman’s lips* lets enjoy the view and the breeze… hug me can? Im cold… *pulls Norman’s hand and cling around her waist…

Meanwhile… Danial was chasing Nora…

Danial: Nora wait…
*grabs Nora’s hands*

Nora: What?

Danial: Nora… don’t be rash… calm down…

Nora: Whats there to be calm about… I saw him kissing her…

Danial: Things may not be the way it seems…

Nora: What? They are getting back so fast… he’s been wanting her… now that she has her back its settled… she did what I failed to do in a month…

Danial: Precisely… Nora… calm down… like you said… you guys have dated for a month… im sure he if he knows you love him, he wants you more than her…

Nora: Dani please… lets live in a real world… she is his dream girl… why would he want me still? Its over… I lost…

Danial: Hey why are u giving up so early? Maybe he’s still asleep that’s why he sees her as him dream girl still… may be he did not… Normie is not in his right frame of mind of late… the disappearance of Rauf have made him more…

Nora: More?

Danial: I cant catch the word… but why don’t you find out from him tomorrow alright? Like I said… a girl like Nurul would make me want to kiss her anytime… she just makes guys go oh so weak in the knees… now wipe those tears away… its so ugly to see a beautiful maiden cry…

Nora:Okay… *wipes tears*

Danial: Now that’s more like it… youre glowing more brighter than the moon is tonight…

Nora: Danial… thank you…

Danial: No thank you… people are all looking at me like as if I make you cry… all I wanted to do was bring you to Normie’s favourite hangout… he always goes here to clear his mind and relax… and it seems now that he even brings girls here to date…

Nora: Dani…

Danial: Hey… just joking… tell u what lets go to the bench over there and sit down…

Nora: But I wanna go home…

Danial: I do too… but Nora I cant finish this all by myself… lets have a quick bite and then we make our way home okay?

Nora: Ok…

And so the two sat down and have a light supper… Otahs, sate and some other stuffs…


Don’t believe just what you see or hear… always find out the whole story before you make a stand… don’t make a decision without considering its outcomes… for every action there is a reaction… though sometimes the reactions may not be desirable… all you need to do is persevere and be patient… for we all have our own paths in life… At least the end of the day… you know that that is your decision and not that is driven by external factors or others… that itself shall be a reason for you to hold on…

No quotes from me… for now… :) Enjoy…

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pararell ShaRinG

Pararell ShaRinG
Saturday 18th October 2008


Just caught Motley Crue in live in action at Fort Canning on Thursday 16th of October… Im not really a fan of theirs but due to some circumstance I decided to go… And I went back being a fan… even though they’re late… But I miss my lesson on that day and it was the concluding lesson… so one gained experience… plenty lost knowledge… The damage? Both are Priceless….  I think im confusing you people with what im saying hahahah….


In a fine dining restaurant somewhere in the middle of the city…

Nurul: Goodness…

Norman: Huh?

Nurul: Normie… stop thinking about it…

Norman: Huh?

Nurul: Normie… I know it when something is bothering you… I can read you like a book…

Norman: Sorry…

Nurul: I thought we already decided… that you wont think about him already…

Norman: How can I not Yul… its so not right…

Nurul: Ah… I miss hearing you call me dat… Normie baby… listen… I don’t want you to go out having dinner with me, is right in front me but not looking at me… talking to me… nor is paying any attention to me…

Norman: Im sorry… but like I said I was just worried on what is going on...

Nurul: Will you stop that… Tell you what… you finish your food, and then we’ll go to your favourite place to relax…

Norman: Huh?

Nurul: Don’t tell me you forget where that is too! Or have you found another favourite?

Norman: No…

Nurul: Ok then we’ll go there later to chill out…

Norman: Ok…

Over at the coastal area of the eastern part of the island… Nora and Danial were having a walk…

Nora: I cant believe im doing this… but as much as I hate it… I always find that you always have a good way with understanding a women’s feelings…

Danial: Whats hard to believe? Hey im not all just for fun ok…

Nora: Ok… so how much do you know about this Nurul?

Danial: Well… other than she is a real heart breaker to my friend and the main reason why he choses not be attached again, is a real hottie and is on the want to be with list of many men… I guess not much…

Nora: Ouhkae… so she is the reason…

Danial: Errr… why you ask?

Nora: Well… Man ever told me… that he can’t get over a bad experience… that is why he is always unsure on how to treat a women… he always apologises when he doesn’t treat me like he should…

Danial: U MEAN NORMAN ILL TREATED YOU? *looking shocked*

Nora: No… of course not silly… its just that sometimes he made advances but he pulled back…

Danial: Advances??? YOU MEAN HE… HE… He tried to…
*closing his mouth in horror*

Nora: OF COURSE NOT! Dats outrageous! I mean like when we walk he’d rubbed shoulders with me… and would brush my hands with his then… he’d try to hold it and... he will suddenly let go... and then there are times when im about to leave the car… he would look me in the eyes… and shifts his body forward and then… when I close my eyes… he’d say… im sorry… good night…

Danial: That is so frustrating!

Nora: Yes! A real anti climax if u ask me… as much as I am open… there are some things that as a girl that I cant do!

Danial: Trust norman to come up with something like that… he can be so good in everything but give him a girl… its like superman coming in contact with kryptonite…

Nora: Actually Dani… he’s okay… id say he treats me well and with full respect… not like what you are doing right now… *hits Dani’s hand*

Danial: Sorry… wanted to keep you warm… the breeze here sure is strong…

Nora: Dani… Going out with you doesn’t mean I let you do anything to me… I wont explode… im more accepting to this… but please… don’t think I am like any other girl you see on the street… and even if I am any girl you see on the streets… you still need to treat me with RESPECT… I am still a lady… If this is how you treat all the ladies… then be ashamed to call yourself a man… coz no man is supposed to take advantage of a lady whether she allows it or not… You are the one who’s supposed to be a leader… not a follower… so stop following your lust…

Danial: *Ashamed* Wow… you sounded like some religious preacher… anyway… Im sorry… I’d promise I wont do it again… anyway… im suppose to be a leader right? Now follow me…

Nora: Huh?

Danial: It’s the reason why I brought you here… I wanna show you a nice place… Surprise Normie one day when u bring him there…

Nora: This is the thing I hate about you… always knowing to find a way out… but I do have to admit… Norman should learn a thing or two from you…

Danial: That’s what I told him… but he’s always…

Nora: *cuts in* He’s shouldnt coz he should stay as he is… coz changing him would make him different…

Danial: You are so fickle…

Nora: Yarh… I am so loving him now…. Just the blurness…

Danial: Coming from you… I so wanna PUKE!

Nora: Shut up and just bring me to this place….


FeELIngS… I know not what iT means aNyMore…

Friday, October 17, 2008


Friday 17th October 2008


Goodness me… last post was in December 2007… its already OCTOBER now and I have not been updating my post. WorSe still the DeCembeR post is not Related to the StoRy… What have I been doing… I just got to stop doing things halfway… its so irritating from mY studies… to My work… EveN to mY relationships… it’ll end halfway… woops… not suppose to write these… the story is more important than mine… Ok thank you for still staying with me… here is the continuation.


Outside of Nora’s unit. Nora opened the door and Danial was waiting.

Nora: Sorry to keep you waiting. Went to wash up.

Danial: No worries babe… Well if you look and smell this good in 30 minutes I don’t mind waiting for an extra hour.

Nora: Dani… thx… im flattered but coming from you its soo…

Danial: What is wrong? Compliments is due where it is…

Nora: Hullo Mr Playa… any other gerls would have fallen for that but not me… I know the real Danial…

Danial: What? Its hard to be nice these days people don’t appreciate…

Nora: Sorry… didn’t mean to hurt u… sorry for “labelling” you…

Danial: Please eh…

Nora: Dani… I was wondering…

Danial: Yes?

Nora: Instead of being very nice and sweet to all the ladies you meet, what would it be like if you concentrate it all on only one woman…

Danial: You want to find out?

Nora: No thanks… but I can only imagine… but why don’t you?

Danial: Well… maybe girls don’t trust me… coz like you they all see me as a womaniser… so they don’t want to stay with me long… Dats why I always need to have another just in case it fails… I donno… Some questions we just do not have the answers to.

Nora: We all have the answers that we require… its only a matter of whether we are willing to accept the answers or not…

Danial: Speaking for yourself?

Nora was stunned her mind went blank. The question really took her aback. Danial only smiled and open the car door.

Danial: Hey im sorry… don’t worry my dear princess… lets go out to chill out tonight… so where to?

Nora: Anywhere would do Danial… anywhere that can take me away from what I feel….

Danial: Your wish is my command…

And Danial sets off….


Certain situations brings about differing personality in human “normal” behaviour. Pressure can make or break someone.

|~ How you behave is by choice of how you want to behave ~|

A PoEM… bY thE EsPLaNaDe…

A PoEM… bY thE EsPLaNaDe…
Monday, December 31st, 2007


Sorry no continuation of the story today just to share a poem… Got it while sitting by the bay taking ma minds of things after supper @ Lau Pa Sat with family members…


Many pretty gerls i see
and i just said weee;
But you said im a liar;
when i said ure my only desire;
Never have i felt so hurt;
My heart was all shattered;
But u still find me the same;
Who only find its a game
I keep feeling the pain;
its making me insane;
i sit all alone;
this heart slowly turning to stone;
and whats thats left of me;
is like what you see
Only you that i love;
And i regard you high above;
But now it doesnt matter;
For to you… its all OVER…
Dont ask me why i came up with this shit… i just did… not really a masterpiece… but heck i just wanna pen it down nonetheless. Hard to be sad when ure happy…
Happy New Year peeps… Till many more fruitful year ahead… Gregorian calender and Hijrah calender…


Dreams is what you get in your sleep… Goals is when you start to achieve that dream after wake-ing up…

UnInTenTioNaLLY InTenTiOnaL…

UnInTenTioNaLLY InTenTiOnaL…
Sunday, August 19th, 2007


First of all let me highlight… the quotes at the end of my blogs are mostly mine… if u think uve seen it somewhere or its similar somewhere… chances are great minds think alike… im not the Bard… aka SHakesPeAr for those who dont know him by that name… im not a phenomenon though as much as i always wanted to leave behind a legacy… but hey i don’t make a good teacher… or rather the government find im not cut out to be one… so i don’t think theres anything to learn from me…. But well…


In the car…

Danial: Hey Nora relax… Norman may not send you but I STILL am…

Nora: Why didnt he tell me?

Danial: Tell you what?

Nora: That Nurul is his EX girlfriend? He never mentioned it before!

Danial: Maybe you never asked him who his ex is… besides im suprised you didnt know…

Nora: Shut UP! How could this be…. nooo…. Of all people… that’s the one he talked about…

Danial: Hey hey hey… enough already… if u really love that kid why dont u tell him?

Nora: Dani… I did tried… but it seems that he’s not getting the message… or maybe REJECTING it because he always has her in his mind…. Now its even more impossible that he has HER!!!

Danial: Wooo wooo i have never seen u like this…

Nora: Shut up! Shup up!

Danial: Alright i will….

Meanwhile in another part of the island…

Nurul: Hey… relax sweetie… how can u drive when u have so much worries…

Norman: How can i not…

Nurul: Still thinking of Rauf? He aint a kid you know… and besides knowing Rauf he’s sure to have everything under control…

Norman: But he’s never this irresponsible… throwing everything at me to handle…

Nurul: Maybe he just wants you start to be responsible… maybe he wants you to work with me…

Norman: ….

Nurul: Now now… relax alright… *Nurul holds Norman’s hands*

Norman: ….

Nurul: Tonight you’re with me… lets not think about any other else okay baby?

Norman: Ooookaayy… *reluctantly*

Nurul: Good.

Back to the other car…. which is by now already at Nora’s carpark…

Danial: Hey… lemme walk u home…

Nora: Its okay… i can manage…

Danial: Hey hey hey… no… its very late and youre not in a good condition… i dont wanna anything more to happen to a damsel in distress…

Nora: Suits u…

*They walk up to Nora’s unit without a word*

Nora: Hey thanx… im ok now… now i know why ure such a pro with the ladies…

Danial: Why?

Nora: Cant tell… you’ll get cocky otherwise…

Danial: Well ouhkae… dont need too either… already knew… So i guess i’ll be going now…

*Danial walks away*

In his car phone beeps… its Nora…

Nora: Dani… im sorry… i just need someone to talk to… can u go out with me tonight?

Danial: Hey…i sure am always availablefor a laydee…
And so it shall begins….


Guys how does it feels to sometimes get something you want without asking? Likewise ladies feel the same way too. So please dont always wait for a sign… some things you just gotta be "automatic"…
Im also kinda bemused, confused or rather amused about views on some things that i came upon of late…

Interesting isnt it how different people handle their feelings as well as that of others… if they could treat others like crap no reason why it could not happen to anyone else… just a word of to those of you who got into a relationship with these fake people… pity…

Ma end quote…
I may not be always happy but it doesnt matter… i rather be sad and know im living in reality than to be happy in a world of lies… Even the best will fall… The higher the fall the more painful it gets…

Toodles… Till next…

WhaTS ThE StOry NOW?

WhaTS ThE StOry NOW?
Thursday, August 16th, 2007


Its the day of the event … Norman is very worried… he has not heard from Rauf in days… Though preparations are set he is still not confident…. its the first time a project is done without all three brothers together…

Nora: Relax Norman… why do u look so tense…

Danial: Yeah man… i know Rauf may not be here but your lady girlfriend here is more than an able replacement…

Nora: Hello… Im not his girlfriend and im not a replacement…No worries okay… everything will turn out all right…

Norman: Alrite… i hope u dont mind i need some time on my own…

Danial: Sure thing… you can go but this lady stays with me… *grins*

Nora: Never… even in your dreams… *Nudges Norman*

Norman was deep in thought… he is not really worried about what is going on… his mind is more thinking of Rauf… he promised to be back soon… its been days…

Danial tried calling his mobile but its off or no answers… all he got was an SMS from
Rauf… "I will be back late cant make for the event sorry.. all the best…" So not very Rauf… he always make sure he has something for me…

Nurul: Need a drink? *Passes a cup of water*

Norman: Hey Thanks… Fancy seeing you here… so what brings you here?

Nurul: I actually work here…

Norman: You do? Ive never seen you here before…

Nurul: Well the times when I wanted to approach you… you are either in a meeting or already left… coz its usually very had to get Nora to sit in one place.

Norman: Meaning?
Nurul: Well Nora is very popular with the kids here… they tend to be clingy to her compared to the rest of us… that’s why if there are visitors who come for meetings she always takes them out or will not tell us where it is… coz we usually end up telling the kids where she is… if not they’ll be very cranky…

Norman: Arhh… Miss Popular…. Didn’t see that coming….

Nurul: Well you sure are as blur as u use to be… anyway… cant stop but notice… everything ok with you? You look kinda worried…

Norman: Yarh… im ok… everything is ok…

Nurul: Well Normie baby i may not still be your gal but you can never lie to me about that look of yours…

Normie: *smiles* Been a while since i heard u called me that…

Nurul: Well in my eyes you will always be my baby… Now that we’ve got pass that… mind telling me whats bothering you?

Normie: U remember Rauf?

Nurul: Of course… how can i forget such a so perfect guy…

Normie: Yarh… sometimes too perfect…

Nurul: What about him? By the way… the 3 of you are in this project right? I dont see him… but I did see Dani though… he’s still the same…

Normie: Yup Dani is always the same… and yarh thats the thing that is bugging me … Rauf…

Nurul: How come?

Normie: Rauf is like "missing"…

Nurul: Missing?

Normie: I dont know how to say it but he just M.I.A… Gone… he is never like that…

Nurul: Im sure he has his reasons…

Normie: He does… but Im still worried…

Nurul: Thats why i said you will always be my baby… always a dear to a friend…

They were cut abruptly by Norman’s phone…

Norman: Hello…

Danial: Sorry to spoil your chit chat with that hottie but our guest of honour is on his way…

Norman: All right… *puts down phone* Nurul, they’re here…

Nurul: We’ll continue this later aite…

Norman: Okay….

The event was a blast… Everything went smoothly and as planned… Norman felt relieved but a thought still lingers his mind…

Nurul: Hey its over… the event went well… Still worried?

Norman: Yarh…

Nurul: Hey… relax okay… today event was a success... you actually have a lot of potential you only need to trust more of yourself…. you can do it without Rauf… what say you we go for dinner after this? My treat …

Norman: Err….

Nurul: Come on…

Norman: Okay…

Danial and Nora approaches.

Nora: Hello… fancy seeing you guys here together… You guys know each other?

Danial: They sure do… anyway… Hey Man~ Success dude… we did it…

Nora: Yarh… your idea was great… my bosses loved it… the V.I.Ps love it…

Danial: Dats my boy! You said u cant do it without Rauf but you are more than an able. Hey lets go for dinner man im FAMISHED…

Nora: Yarh… lets go…

Norman: You guys go ahead… ive already made plans…

Danial: Wow… thats twice already today you’re leaving me with her… hmmm got a bigger fish to catch?

Norman: I donno what you are saying… good night people… see ya… by the way… Nora I will follow up with you again on this event…

Nora: Okay Man… see ya…

Norman walked off… later at the carpark… unknown to Norman that Nora, Danial saw him and Nora walking off together towards Normans car…

Danial: Hey… isn’t that Norman with your colleague…. she does look familiar…. where have i seen that face before…

Nora: Hmmmm? I thought you guys know each other?

Danial: I think I do…. Wait… Hey… i got it!!! Nurul!!! Dats her name right???

Nora: Yes…

Danial: Then it must be her… Its his old FLAME! Damn… why did’nt he tell me… i could have helped him…

Nora: Old flame? Dani… i think i wanna go home… im not feeling so well…

Danial: What? What is it with gerls and me being DUMPED???


Amuse and Assume… Both are made up of the same letters but it differs by a lot…
When u make yourself an ASS u can amuse but when you ASSUME you make an ASS OUT of yourself and OTHERS… and its never AMUSES…

The wait….

The wait….
Friday, June 29th, 2007


In a hospital ward….
A pair of lovers were side by side together Linda and Rauf…. Suddenly Linda… started to move her hand…. it woke Rauf up….

Linda: Errr…. where am i?

Rauf: Youre in a hospital….

Linda: Who are you….

Rauf: Its me… Rauf dont u remember?

Linda shakes head…

Rauf: Try to recall dear…

Linda: Argh… *Linda starts holding her head….*

Rauf runs out and calls for help….

Shortly after a nurse and Doctor enters the room…
Doctor: Wonderful… its good to see she’s up…. its been… hmmm… 3 days… Lemme take a look at Miss Linda for a moment can I Mr Rauf….

Rauf: Ok…

The nurse and Doctor did some checks…

Doctor : Ok Mr Rauf…

Rauf: Doctor how is she? Is she going to be okay?

Doctor: Well Mr Rauf… your fiancé is fine…her vital signs are normal…. physically she should be ok… no physical injury…but we may need to do some scans i cant confirm at the moment….

Rauf: Its seems she cant remember me… she don’t even know who I am… why?

Doctor : Well … Some patients who have head injuries may tend to have memory
lapses…. you need to take care too Mr Rauf… youre not fully recovered as well…
Rauf: I dont care… Its no more about me… shes all that matters….

Doctor: You need to take care of yourself… she will need you a lot for her recovery… Let her rest… she just came to…. I advice you to do the same…. youve been coming here everyday for the past 5 days….

Rauf: But…

Doctor: No buts Mr Rauf…. i advice you to relax… If what you said is right… her road to recovery may be a long one… and like i said you need to be strong n patient… and be her pillar of strength.

Rauf: Ok…

Doctor: Just go back and rest… we’ll do more checks and i update u tomorrow…

Rauf: Okay… ure the doctor…

Rauf feels relieved but his heart is still heavy… he hadnt informed Linda’s family back home… He is worried… Linda’s Grandparents is all she has back home… her parents left her while she was still young… tragic accident… Linda’s grandparents are aged and isnt in a good state of health herself… he’s worried if he do told them that things went wrong…. they might get ill…. Though his parents knew about it already they are contemplating too whether they should told them too….

Meanwhile back in Singapore….

Norman: Dani… have u heard from Rauf…

Danial: No man… he must be enjoying himself that he forgotten us already…

Norman: I just feel something is not right….

Danial: Relax… you sound like my mother already!

Norman: Ok Dani… whatever….


|~ Too much Betrayal… filled with Deception…. a life of all lies… Theres no point saying sorry anymore…. The damage is done and there is no way to undone… ~|

Oh BaBY Just When I tHoUghT it WoulD Be…

Oh BaBY Just When I tHoUghT it WoulD Be…
Thursday, June 14th, 2007


In a hospital ward…. somewhere…

Rauf: Argh… my head….

Micheal: Rauf! U came to…

Rauf: Argh… my head hurts like hell…. Where am i…

Micheal: Youre in a hospital….

Rauf: Hospital???? WHERES LINDA??? HOW IS SHE???

Micheal: Calm down… calm down… i need you to calm down…

Rauf: No tell me where is she?

Micheal: I need you to calm down… Linda is ok…. just that…

Rauf: Just what? Tell ME!!!!

Michael: Linda…

Rauf: What? Dammmit… Tell ME!!!!

Michael: Linda… she’s in ICU right now….

Rauf pulls out all the stuffs attached to him n ran out of the room….

Michael: Rauf…. what are you doing??? Hey wait!!! *runs behind*

*Just Outside the ward*

Rauf: Wheres the ICU wards? Where is it????

Michael: Its that way….

Rauf rushes over towards the ICU ward with Michael following suit… upon reaching the ward he saw that Linda was in a bad state…. Her head were fully bandaged… Not a sight he wants to see….
Rauf: Hows her condition? *tears trickling down his cheeks*
Michael: Theres no other injury… only thing is her head got a hard knock… Doctors said if she survive… she might be suffering from memory loss…

Rauf: Mike…. *tears swelling in his eyes* Can i have a quiet moment with her?

Michael: Sure buddy… dont worry too much aite? Linda’s a strong gerl… she’ll pull through….

Michael left the room…. Rauf places his head on Linda’s shoulder…. more tears soon began to flow…

The scene ends with a Music background just to set the mood….
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam

Oh where oh where can my baby be
The Lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world

We were out on a date in my daddy’s car
We hadn’t driven very far
There in the road straight up ahead
A car was stalled the engine was dead
I couldn’t stop so I swerved to the right
I’ll never forget the sound that night
The screaming tires the busting glass
The painful scream that I heard last


When I woke up the rain was pouring down
There were people standing all around
Something warm flowing through my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head she looked at me and said
Hold me darling just a little while
I held her close I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love that I knew i have missed
Well now she’s gone even though I hold her tight
I lost my love my life that night

Woh (x4)
Ohh (x4)


Kinda out of idea but cool isnt it how i integrate the parts story, songs and so on…
Quote for the post…
Forgive and forget….
We always dont FORGET one’s mistake hence we dont FORGIVE… but when we start to FORGIVE we will forget the mistakes one have done…

AnGer… is Only A LeTter ShoRT oF DaNgEr… Do CaUtiOn….

AnGer… is Only A LeTter ShoRT oF DaNgEr… Do CaUtiOn….
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007


Ive been HOOKED to fishing of late…. But hey… i still love to write… been a long long time since i last did however… i really need to get this story done and over with and move on to the next one…


So at Michelle’s pad… on their fave cosy bed…

Danial: Dear…

Michelle: What is it…

Danial: Im down… you all i have left…

Michelle: *sneers*

Danial: You dont care about me…

Michelle: Dont make it sound like you do about me… this is all temporary… anyway… we both agreed remember… our relationship is without ties… so when ure like shit like this i rather DUMP U than be dumped… im here for fun… and ure not that anymore… stop whining…

Danial: But Michelle… we didn’t build something didn’t we…

Michelle: Dani… enough ok… u never loved me before…

Danial: I did….

Michelle: Yarh only when we do IT… if not im just another girl…

Danial: Im sorry if I make you think so…

Michelle: Dont be… you got what u wanted and i got what i want… so we’re even…

Danial: What did u want…

Michelle: Just like you… a sexual companion… Every man in this world is fake… so i might be as well… they need my body so i gave it to them… coz I have desires too… so its best I have fun and yet fulfilled my desires…

Danial: You make it sound like i treat u like a pros…

Michelle: Well you did didnt you? All u wanted in me is this body… or maybe not… juz my pus… *toot* (censored)… Im not paid for my services… U were … all those goodies that I got you and so on… make you want more… so quite the contrary ure the GIGOLO…

Danial: Enough Mich…

Michelle: Yarh… i had enough… im getting bored with you… today will be the last time i wanna have anything to do with you…

Not that Far far far away…. somewhere near a stadium in London… walking home… 3 people had just enjoyed a game of football… or rather only 2 did…

Rauf: We won the game… yeah…

Micheal: I cant believe im saying this but it sure was fun…. the atmosphere was…. WOW!

Linda: Im glad u people are enjoying it… coz im not… but i must say the guy in blue wearing number 7 is cute… and good too…

Rauf: Dear thats the opponent u cant say that…

Micheal: Compliment is due where it is... Eh… Linda… isnt those some of the guys who attacked you…

Rauf: Where?

Micheal: Over there…

Linda: Yarh…

Micheal: Im gonna call the cops…

Rauf: No… i’ll handle this…

Rauf runs over to the bunch of guys… Linda followed behind…

Linda: Honey Let it be… its over…

Rauf: No… im gonna confront them…

Once in front of the 3 guys…

Rauf: Which one of you joker messed with my girlfriend?

Linda: Honey lets go…

Thug no. 1: Hey… someone wanna be a hero…

Thug no. 2: Maybe he needs some lesson in manners…

Rauf: You guys are the ones who needs a teaching…

Thug no. 3: We’ll see about that…

Within a flash 2 other guys came out of nowhere…. The 5 guys started beating Rauf to a pulp… Linda wasnt spared either… she tried to stop the brawl by pulling the hands of one of the thugs but was pushed aside… she got flung away… and to make it "dramatic" she hit her head on a wall… hahahaha (Climax scene with anti-climax description)

Rauf *In bad state*: Linda………….

The thugs turn around saw what had happened and decided to scoot off….

Thug no. 1: Hey Lets Scram….

Micheal came running over with 2 cops with him…

Police no. 1: Police!!!! STOP!!!!!

Micheal rushes over to Linda…

Rauf: Micheal!!! Get an Ambulance!!! Now!!!!

Police no. 2: This is officer 31105 requesting back-up… we have 2 casualties… a few suspects… running towards Aubert Park…

Police approaches Rauf… can u hold on sir?

Rauf: Forget me… get her to safety…. now….

That was the last thing Rauf could conjure… Linda was bleeding profusely from her head… Rauf visions start to blur… and he passed out…

What is going on?


If only you had the patience… you wont be a patient…
If u aint sick dont go around looking for it… loosely translated in malay "takda penyakit jangan carik…"
Corny but hey dats me…
Till again… TTFN…

For BeTtEr oR wORSE….

For BeTtEr oR wORSE….
Friday, May 25th, 2007


Nora: Wow that was a blast!

Norman: Can see you sure enjoyed ever minute of it… you were jumping up and down like a monkey… hehehehe

Nora: Hello… its a rock concert… u look so stiff… makes me wonder is it a GERL underneath that skin…

Norman: The word is SNAG… not a gerl…

Nora: SNAG? Cmon its a concert u need to let your hair down… u were like a… mannequin… a doll… All you do was turn red…

Norman: I did not… anyway its dark… u cant see its red…

Nora: Normie… im a gerl… i know… we have sixth sense…

Norman: Whatever… enough talk youve reached home…. *hehehehe*

Nora: Well about time…. *Uwekz*

Norman: parked his car… Nora went down… Norman steps out…

Nora: Anything u wanna do or say?

Norman: Well… err… its kinda like a date right? So i feel its best of me to walk u home…

Nora: Im a big gerl… i can walk home myself… *slowly walks yet glances back….*

Norman: Err… okay…

Nora: *turns* You never learn do u?

Norman: Huh?

Nora: Duh! 1st lesson of 101 on women… Always read between the lines…

Norman: And that is…

Nora: Dont just listen to the words… Look at the BODY LANGUAGE!!!! My god no wonder it didnt last….

Norman: Im sorry i thought u mean it….

Nora: Hello its past midnight… at least walk me to the door… does a gerl’s SAFETY means anything to you?

Norman: Err….

So Norman walks Nora to her house… at the door…

Norman: Nora…

Nora: Yes…

Norman: Err…. Thanks for the wonderful time…

Nora: Youre most welcome… *smiles*

Norman: Err…. Gd nyte…

Nora: Anything else ???

Norman: Err….

Nora: Blurt it out… cmon…

Norman: I hope to do this again… as in meet u… not work related…

Nora: How did dat feels better right? *winks* Anyway… you have my number all u need to do is dial…

Norman: Thanks *deep inside wooohoooooooo yipeeeeee*

So Norman went back to his car grinning from ear to ear… Its way wider than the smile The Joker from the story BatMan™ could produce… Meanwhile in place not so far away…

Danial: Mich… u free?

Michelle: Whats wrong?

Danial: Can we meet?

Michelle: So what is this? U looking for me after i got DUMPED?

Danial: Mich… please…
Michelle: I know… im just your another gerl… but lemme tell you this i wont be here FOREVER… one day i HAVE to go… this is bringing me nowhere…

Danial: I need you now… please dont leave me…

Michelle: Okay… meet me at my place…

Danial: Thank u…


When will it end…. Guys are either dumb… or so clueless…. or maybe… juz lost….

And ThEN theRE waS LiGhT….

And ThEN theRE waS LiGhT….
Monday, May 21st, 2007


Im taking a break from work before i depart on a new one… almost worked under the Ministry of Finance but jumped ship and chose to become a program exec for a primary school instead… back to my roots when i used to work in Tumble Tots…. hope it will reap in more benefits than the jobs ive shunned… sorry Singtel and Lee Hwa Jewellery… its your lost…

Dats juz a lil part of me for now… whats important is this story… i hope to end or get it completed before i start work which is around mid june…


Somewhere in a hotel in the outskirts of London….

Rauf: You could have told me it all baby and all these can be avoided….

Linda: Im scared dear…. you went through so much trouble to get it for me… if i were to told you i lost it im afraid you would scold me….

Rauf: It aint your fault… no worries… when u get back… we’ll get another aite… i’ll ask the boss if its possible to make it the same if not to make a new one for us…

Linda: Im sorry…

Rauf: Like i said… that episode is over… and you YOUNG MAN…. i owe you an apology… and i need to thank you….

Mike: Errr….

Rauf: Cmon… i wonder how a half man can be a hero…

Mike: Err…..

Linda: Dear… enough… this so called… half-man is the one who helped me the most… and most importantly he understands me better than you do… u have got lots to learn from him…

Rauf: Yarh… u havent told me how you saved my baby from those idiots…

Mike: Errr…. all i did was shout police…. police… and they fled… sorry i cant save the ring…

Rauf: Hey… you saved her from being harmed and yet u said sorry… for a man who doesnt look like one u sure are a gentleman….

Linda: Dear… enough… stop teasing him….

Rauf: But he’s so….

Linda: Mr Rauf… NO~

Rauf: Okie…. its just dat i cant believe i was jeolous over HIM… what was i thinking….

Linda: Thats what i said dear… all you cared about is work… yes i do admit you do pamper me with gifts that you send over and so on but dear dats not what i want… all these things dont mean a thing if i dont have you….

Mike: Awww…. its so sweet…. oh my oh my…. i need my tissue….

Rauf: Yarh… it would have been an epic moment only if u werent around…. *grins* Juz joking…. *hugs Linda*

Mike: *Weeps*

Linda tears trickled down…

Rauf: Now now… dont cry ladies…. i hate to see women cry… and a Man-Woman cry up close dats even worse…. anyway… theres an important match tonight… i hope i cant catch it…

Linda: I know… here… 3 tickets…

Rauf: OH MY GOD!!!! How did u get it on such short notice?

Linda: Mikey here knew people in high places…. and i told him to get for me the tickets… he didnt wanna go but i need him to accompany me while u would be engrossed with the game….

Rauf: I LOVE U MIKE!!!! I DO…. if u do think of going for an trans-op do inform me afterwards… coz i wanna kiss you… but not now…. *grins*

Mike: I wouldnt allow you too anyway… anyway i wont go for an op… im still a guy just that unlike you im more SENSITIVE….

Rauf: If not for the tickets i would have argued with you… Lets go for lunch ppl… my treat!

And so the three left off the room going for their meal… Strange things do happen… God helps in more ways than one… Till the next episode…


IrriTatIng thE IrrItaTed to IrrItaTIoN… har har har… whatever…

CuPiD WoRks On One WhEn He LeFT AnoThER…

CuPiD WoRks On One WhEn He LeFT AnoThER…
Friday, March 30th, 2007


The following day Norman and Nora had a meeting again. This time its more unformal… At a bistro…

Norman: Ok Nora i have made the amendments as per required by your bosses…

Nora: Hmm… okay… lemme see… *reads through the documents* Ive seen that you have added some things as well…

Norman: Yarh… Hope you’re okay with the "add-ons"…

Nora: Of course! Its great… but will there be any added cost?

Norman: Not at all consider it a gift for the kids…

Nora: Are you this nice to all kids or our home are the only lucky ones?

Norman: Lets just say on most occasions its for the kids but in this case its both…

Nora: Awww… dats so sweet… sweet talk… hehehe…

Norman: Well nothing wrong if its to you…

Nora: Whats that suppose to mean?

Norman: Errrr…

Nora: *giggles* Youre blushing… Got anything you wanna tell me?

Norman: Yarh… but its not work related…

Nora: Its okay… im done for the day…

Norman: What? I just love your job…

Nora: Love? Its my off day today… and here I am having to attend a meeting. And meet you of all people…

Norman: Woops im sooo sorry to trouble you.

Nora: Its okay… its not like I don’t wanna attend the meeting either…
Norman: Awww… dats so sweet… sweet talk… hehehe…

Nora: Hey dats my line… anyway whats the thing you wanna tell me about?

Norman: Errr…

Nora: Why? Whats wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

Norman: Err… Nothing…

Nora: Cmon… tell me…

Norman: All right… I was thinking whether you are free tonight… I wanna… ask you out…

Nora: Are we not out already?

Norman: Well like I said… its not work related…

Nora: So what do you have in store for me then?

Norman: Well I got two tickets to this show… I was meant to go with Rauf… but since he is away I was thinking who I can as instead… I was thinking if you are interested to join me…

Nora: What tickets?

Norman: l dont know whether you like going to concerts… a rock concert to be exact…

Nora: Well young man theres a lot of things you dont know about me…

Norman: And so your answer is?

Nora: Only if its the Foo Fighters concert and its the tix above $150… or better VIP…. coz if not i wont go…

Norman: Errr… you sure are an expensive gal to please…

Nora: No silly! I already bought mine and if its of the same or lower category that i have… whatever for! Might as well I keep mine…

Norman: Errr…. ok… its the front row tix…

Nora: No way…. You guys are CRAZY!!!! Anyway… Hmmm… i’ll see how then…

Norman: I thought you mentioned you would say yes…

Nora: Didn’t say I would…. Anyway… When was the last time you dated a girl?

Norman: Err… kinda like Eons ago…

Nora: That figures…

Norman: Why?

Nora: Since ure the frank bold type i’ll give u a direct answer… Girls love to play hard to get… pull up your socks and work harder… *winks*

Norman: So ure saying yes right…

Nora: I dont wanna say it… Make me…. *winks*

Meanwhile somewhere out there… in his office…

*phone speaker* : Sorry i cant get to you at the moment please leave a message.

*redial tone*

*phone Speaker* : Sorry i cant get to you at the moment please leave a message.

*redial tone*

*phone Speaker* : Sorry i cant get to you at the moment please leave a message.

*redial tone*

*phone Speaker* : Sorry i cant get to you at the moment please leave a message.

Danial: *sobs* Why baby? Why must u do this to me… why…?


Behind every successful man is a woman… Behind an unsucessful one… is women… go ponder…


Saturday, February 24th, 2007


Michelle: Wake up sleepy head… im hungry lets go for supper…

Danial: Huh… *looking lost* What time is it?

Michelle: Its 9.30 sweetheart…

Danial: Shit!!!!

Michelle: Dont worry… the meeting is cancelled too i guess…

Danial: You mean?

Michelle: Well Norman called just now and i told him you wanted to be excused from the meeting… as you had stuffs to do…

Danial: And??? Did he said anything else??

Michelle: He said that he cant cover you all the time… some things you got to face your self….

Danial: Damn…. Did anyone else call??

Michelle: Yarh… a lady…

Danial: Who?

Michelle: I donno… you placed her name as Project Manager…

Danial: And? What did she said?

Michelle: Well i told her that you are tied up at the moment and cant answer any calls…. Also you cant attend the meeting either…

Danial: Anything else?

Michelle: Yarh… She asked me who i am and so i said im your girlfriend….

Danial: You what?????? *shouted*
Michelle: Relax baby… i was just pulling your leg… i said im your secretary… Why you so worked up?

Danial: Did she mention anything else?

Michelle: Yarh.. she said she didnt know you had a secretary… and you better have a very good reason to miss the meeting… she didnt sound very please….

Danial: Damn!!! Damn!!! I gotta go….

Michelle: but baby lets go for supper first….

Danial: No i gotta go….

Michelle: Baby dont leave… youve promised….

Danial dresses ups and left without a word. Michelle was sobbing as Daniel left. On the way to the car he frantically tried calling Natalie. No answer. After sometime he tried calling Norman.

Norman: So you ended your rendezvous already?

Danial: Normie… You gotta help me…

Norman: What? Youre beyond help this time my friend…

Danial: Norm…. what did Natalie said? What did you told her?

Norman: I just told her that you are with Michelle…

Danial: What?
Norman: Did you know how many times she called you and your HP was off? She was worried sick did you know that? Did you know how long she and her parents waited? Did it cross your mind what you are doing? Are you serious in the first place about your relationship with her?

Danial: I had no choice…

Norman: What do you mean you had no choice? We are always given a choice… its just us humans who always make the wrong choices…

Danial: You dont understand…

Norman: So did you? Did you think in the first place before you decide to blow such a thing?

Danial: I didnt do on purpose… like i said it was the situation that made it that way.

Norman: Situation or not… i just told her that you are with Michelle but i told her not who she is… thats the best i can do for you…
Danial: Thanx bro… youre the best…

Norman: I dont need that… you do… all the best… and errrrr… please bro… think harder before you do some things… i donno how to answer to Rauf if anything wrong happens to you… and yarh… i think you need to decide who you want and who you wanna let go…

Danial: Thanx… will do…

After putting down Danial called Natalie again. Still no answer… Then he received an SMS… Its Natalie…

Natalie: *SMS* I really appreciate what you did today. If it was me alone i wouldnt mind but why must it be when my parents are involved you are like that… I always suspected youre having an affair but i think it cant be since youre wanting to meet my parents means youre getting serious.

Norman: *SMS* Im so sorry dear i blew up the day. I was tied down by some stuffs. I was hoping to make it in time but it seems i cant.

Natalie: *SMS* Ive always given you time for that. But must it be today? I dont mind you settle what other issues u have with your gerl or gerls whichever… but do you have to do it today? Anyway… you had done your last… The song on the radio now goes to you…

Norman tunes in to Natalie’s favourite radio station. Its one of his fave singers… The pretty and stunning Beyonce… He listens hard to the song… he sat down in his car and stared blankly…


Oh… btw i didnt mention the song the story’s title would be the give away. No prizes for the correct answer… only that you’ll know the contents of the song and can "Feel" it…

Im back… for now… hehehe

NeWtOnS LaW… For EveRY AcTiON thErEs A ReAcTiON…

NeWtOnS LaW… For EveRY AcTiON thErEs A ReAcTiON…
Wednesday, January 24th, 2007


Somewhere out there….

Danial: Ok Hunn… is dat all?

Michelle: Yes… i think im done for the day…

Danial: *phew* Thx… does that mean i can get back to work?

Michelle: NOoooo! Im only done for shopping… you still got things to do with and for me today…

Danial: And what can that be?

Michelle: I wanna go watch a movie…

Danial: A movie? But you said theres no nice show to watch baby…

Michelle: Yeap… thats why i wanna buy a DVD…

Danial: DVD? What show?

Michelle: The first one we watched together…

Danial: Ouh…

Michelle: Dont try to act like u know… i know uve forgotten…

Danial: No i didnt…

Michelle: So… what is it?

Danial: Its the one on… err…

Michelle: Shut up… Its Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind…

Danial: Yarh the one with Jim Carrey with it… i remember…

Michelle: And dat was like….

Danial: You cut me in too early baby… i was about to reach to that…

Michelle: Yarh… i believe you… as punishment… youre gonna carry my bags… and skip your work…

Danial: But Hunny you kow i cant do dat…

Michelle: You always have time for a quickie from work with me… why not today?

Danial: Today’s different… its something which i really need to go…

Michelle: You were never so interested in work… you always have time for me…

Danial: Like i said dear… today is different… its urgent…

Michelle: If u walk away today… dont even think of coming back…

Danial: Okay… fine… lets go…

So off they left to Michelle’s home… So they then watched the DVD… Through it all Danial’s mind was thinking of how he can get away…

Michelle: *Looking at Danial* Why arent you enjoying the show?

Danial: I thought ive already told you… I have a meeting is in an hour’s time…

Michelle: Why worry? Come here… Come closer…

An upon this they did the usual stuffs they usually did together…
*Note: Censored due to general young audience :P*


Make Love not war they say… But this making of love makes a bigger war…

CommUniCatIoN… ConnEcTiOn… AffEcTion….

CommUniCatIoN… ConnEcTiOn… AffEcTion….
Wednesday, January 10th, 2007


Meanwhile… in a car… somewhere off the suburbs of SIngapore…

Norman: So how long have u been working there?

Nora: Been like 3 years now…

Norman: Ouhkae… so what were you doing before that?

Nora: Well i was doing my degree in Aussie…

Norman: What major?

Nora: Psychology…

Norman: Wooo… so can u read my mind? *grins*

Nora: No… Im not a psychic… but i can see that someone is going to get us lost coz he is moving aimlessly as if he knows where to go… without asking me how to get to a certain location…

Norman: Hahahaha… Dats a good one… so where do we go from here…

So Nora guided Norman to the location… a nice cozy eatery… So upon reaching they took a seat…

Norman: Wow… how did u know of this place? *looks around*

Nora: Err… You dont like it?

Norman: No its so… classic… like it? i love it…

Nora: Good to know that you do… i found it by chance really… my mum was the one who brought me here… didnt know of it either before this…

Norman: Ok… cool… so whats the special here?

Nora: Look at the queue… thats what is most selling….
Norman: Nasi Padang…. ryte… why dont u show me what dishes is good since you should know better…

Nora: Just pick what you fancy… almost everything here is nice…

Norman: Alritey then… anyway… Lunch is one me…

Nora: I’ll make u regret saying that… I eat a lot… hehehe

Norman: Yarh right… and ure in this shape? I wonder who is your fitness instructor…

So they chose about their food… and had their meal…

Norman: U sure are right… its good… just like kampung cooking…

Nora: Yeaps… hard to come across these dishes that they offer nowadays… So Norman tell me more bout yourself…

Norman: Like what you wanna know?

Nora: Yarh like how long uve been in this line… and such…

Norman: Ouh… quite recently actually…

Nora: Before this?

Norman: Im was a teacher….

Nora: Ahhhh… what did u teach?

Norman: *smiles* Kids… and i really mean kids…

Nora: Kids??? As in a pre-school teacher???

Norman: Yarh…

Nora: Interesting… so what makes u switch career roles?

Norman: Well one day… a friend came up to me and ask whether i wanted to join him and make our own business… i liked the idea he proposed and so here were are now… "3G Corp"

Nora: 3rd Generation corporation?

Norman: Errr… that what we want to think… but the actualy meaning of the abbreviation is 3 Guys Corporation…

Nora: Hehehe… Simple… but good…

Norman: Well it was Rauf’s idea actually… now its already 3.5G donno how once ppl start talking about 4G we will we need to get another guy…

Nora: Well maybe… but then the 4th G must not necesserily be a guy…

Norman: Meaning…

Nora: U forget about Gerl power! Gals begin with a G… *smiles*

Norman: Okies… neways Nora… loved to chat and all… but i need to get back to the office… and i believe you too?

Nora: Nope im done for the day…

Norman: Some people can have such a good life…

Nora: Hey… but you are your own boss…

Norman: Precisely… if i dont work… no people to pass my works too…

Nora: Evil you…

Norman: Hehehe… hey where u live? I’ll send you home…

Nora: Its ouhkae…

Norman: No I insist… I have to say thank you for the great lunch…

Nora: Since u say so…

So Norman drove Nora home… while on the way they had more conversations… Upon reaching Nora’s house…

Nora: Thanx for the treat and thx for the ride…

Norman: The pleasures all mine… we should meet again some time…

Nora: U mean regarding work or off-work *giggles*… coz we seem to have more things to say on that…

Norman: Well… if i ask you out… would it be of work related?

Nora: It depends really… can be about work…

Norman: Okay… Miss Psychic i believe you know where im trying to go from here…

Nora: Okay… I’ll consider… you know what to do…

Norman: Okay… cya… take care…


CommUniCatIoN… ConnEcTiOn… AffEcTion….
Dats how we sometimes feel when we just know someone… we can communicate well.. and thing is 93% of communication is non verbal… with that it brings about a good connection… and so begins the affection… Juz sharing why i had the tittle dis way…

A pAIr Of COuPLes… 2 of a kiNd….

A pAIr Of COuPLes… 2 of a kiNd….
Sunday, January 7th, 2007


Back into the meeting room….

Nora: Ive liked what you have brought up so far… it really is similar to what me and my bosses have been discussing so far…

Norman: Then i hope the event will be a success…

Nora: Me too…

Norman: So i guess thats a wrap…

Nora: Yarh… so where u heading to after this?

Norman: *checks watch* Hmmm going for lunch then maybe get back to the office….

Nora: Where u heading for lunch?

Norman: I donno… nothing in mind at the moment… any recommendation of nice places around here?

Nora: Ure driving right? Tell u what I know of a very nice eatery nearby…

Norman: Great… where is dat…

Nora: You know where is the Biz Building…

Norman: I donno… I can be very blur with directions…

Nora: Yarh… tell u what… Gimme a minute I’ll keep these stuffs and i’ll guide you there…

Norman: Sure…

So while Nora kept her stuffs in the office while Norman waits… once she’s done they proceeded to the carpark…

At the carpark…

Nora: So this is your ride??

Norman: Err… yarh…

Nora: Nice Ride…

Norman: Thx…

Nora: Been to any trails with this one? I always wanted to ride a jeep going through the outdoors…

Norman: Yes… If u wanna maybe one day we can organise a trip together and you can join me on my trips…

Nora: Great… I look forward to it…

Norman: Okay… buckle up… where to… next ?

So the two set off to a place where only Nora knows… meanwhile in a restaurant not so far away…

Danial: Baby… uve done your shopping… any thing else you need?

Michelle: Yes… Why are you asking me? Are you tired already? You are supposed to keep me company the whole day remember… you’re not thinking of going back to the office do you?

Danial: Errr…. like i said darling… ive got work some work to do….

Michelle: What work?

Danial: We have an important upcoming project… and i have yet done the designs for the…. err…. flyers and posters…

Michelle: Then i want to follow…

Danial: To where? My work???

Michelle: Yarh…

Danial: But i got a meeting also…

Michelle: Its okay… i’ll wait outside…

Danial: Hmmm but why? It may take long…

Michelle: Precisely… once the meeting ends i want you to continue be with me thats why…

Danial: Okay….

In Danial’s Mind: 5 more hours to go… and I still cant find a way out… Hmm let me see… what will she want to do after this… shall i tell he the truth? No no no… arghhhh time is running out…


Things are gonna get MesSY….

LieS aNd conFusion…

LieS aNd conFusion…
Friday, January 5th, 2007


In a cafe…

Danial: Sorry im late…

Michelle: Dani… its ok… its so you…

Danial: Okay baby… what is it about?

Michelle: Nothing im just feeling lonely…

Danial: You made me to cancel my meeting just because…

Michelle: Baby… im feeling sad… ok… please accompany me for the day…

Danial: But dear… did you know that i was….

Michelle: You dont love me no more…

Danial: Its not that sweetheart…

Michelle: You never said no to me…

Danial: Ok ok ok…

Michelle: Youre not sincere…

Danial: I am baby… ok ok ok… dont cry ok… where you wanna go after this?

Michelle: I wanna go walk walk…

Danial: Ok lets go walk walk alrite…

Michelle: I love you…

Danial: I love you too sweetheart…

Then they left… while walking out Danial phone rang…

Danial: Michelle baby gimme a minute ok…

Michelle: Okay dont keep me waiting too long…

Danial: Hello…

Natalie: Hie dear where are you?
Danial: Im in a meeting right now can i call u back…

Natalie: Okay… dont forget about the dinner with my folks tonight okay?

Danial: Err… yarh… what time is it again?

Natalie: How can you forget… your work must be to stressing for you… get an early off today… meet u up at 8 okay?

Danial: Okay… meet u up at the usual place?

Natalie: No… its at the restaurant we agreed the other day remember?

Danial: Yarh… dat one *scratching his head figuring which*

Natalie: Im sure you remember the steamboat…

Danial: Why of course… how can i not remember moments spent with you…

In the background… Michelle: Honey how long will you take?

Danial covers the mouthpiece: Just a minute more aight…

Danial: Okay baby… i gotta go…

Natalie: Okay… take care… see you later…

Michelle: Who is that? Why does it take so long?

Danial: Its the office they want me to work tonight… i need to meet them up at 8…

Michelle: I dont care you promise to accompany me today…

Danial: Baby please… its important…

Michelle: I dont care… if you love me then im important too… i never asked you to before but i need you more today…

Danial: Ok ok ok… i stay with you today orite…

Deep inside Danial’s head…
Danial: OMG what have i done… How can i get out of this…. Damn! Cmon cmon cmon think… think… think… i still have 9 hours to go…


Sometimes in life we say things that we dont mean… and at the same time we can say things that can be mean… We always tend to forget that we should be more sensitive in comments when it comes to our loved ones. However its better to have a friend who says the mean words to us because they care… rather than one… who doesnt at all but says all the nice words… Its so pretentious… We all need to be jolted sometimes… we humans always wants life to be a bed of roses when it actually isnt…
We all make mistakes… Its one thing to admit our mistakes but another to accept and correct our mistakes… No point really living life in regret but yet not doing anything about it…
Juz my thoughts of the day… Hoped u Enjoy…

A neW MeEtIng in A MeEtIng…

A neW MeEtIng in A MeEtIng…
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007


Meanwhile in the Office… Danial and Norman were busy preparing their items for a meeting… They are doing a project for a HOME for childrens…

Norman: Okay… Dani… dont forget the kits… we need to go through with the H.O.D this time…

Danial: Yeaps its all packed… wheres Rauf by the way?

Norman: Well he did say he will meet us there… we just bring the items…

Danial: He ought to be it is his project… he’s supposed to present the proposal…

Norman: Dude… we’ll meet him there… Why u looking so edgy…

Danial: Norman thing is… err… can i not go to the meeting?

Norman: What? But why?

Danial: Please bro… its a last minute kinda thing… Michelle just text me and she said she wants to talk… its urgent…

Norman: Are you serious with your work? Career first… women later… Besides bro i dont know why ure still with her… have’nt we agreed that Natalie is the one for you?

Danial: You dont understand bro… You wont understand…

Norman: Yarh i know… im the one with no love life… i wont understand… But you see sometimes i wonder is it me or is it you who doesnt understand… Juz leave…

Danial: Thanks… i’ll make it up…

Norman: Whatever… ive heard that one before… and it bore no fruit…

Norman put all the items on his car and sets off… while on the journey… his phone rang…

Norman: Hello…

Rauf: Yo Man… err… this sound abrupt but… i dont think i can attend the meeting…

Norman: What? You guys gotta be kidding me… are you people serious about this project? First up its Dani… now you…

Rauf: Whats up with Dani?

Norman: He got something "SERIOUS" to attend to with Michelle he said…

Rauf: Ouh… errr…

Norman: And what is your excuse then?

Rauf: Man… you know much bout this project ryte?

Norman: Blurt it out… dont stop…

Rauf: I was thinking… is it possible for me to… to…

Norman: To?

Rauf: I wanna take a week of vacation and errr…

Norman: Lemme guess… You wanna go to ENGLAND???

Rauf: Errr…. yarh…

Norman: Damn it…

Rauf: Im sorry bro but i gotta say thanx… you did told me that i need to re-enforce my feelings towards Linda and i think after all that i did i should…

Norman: Cant you wait till this project is over?

Rauf: Can i say i no?

Norman: You people always leave me with no choices… im not the boss what can i say…

Rauf: Just take it like a normal event Man… not something we have not done before… i think u can pull it through… Danial is around wat… i will be back before the day itself… trust me…

Norman: You oughtta be… if its just me and Dani im afraid we’ll screw up… there will be VIPS around… and we need you so we wont make a fool of ourselves…

Rauf: Okie… no worries trust me orite… please take good care of little Dani… He has a lot of back log to clear…

Norman: That guy… sometimes i feel i wanna sack him and get another designer artist… but i guess im stuck with him… well… we’re both stuck…

Rauf: Well people like him relies on inspiration and motivation to work… let him be… you just need to be more understanding… but like i said keep an eye on him…

Norman: I know…

Rauf: Alright… its settled then… if u need me you can alway buzz me on my mobile okay…

Norman: Okay… you take care too…

After some time… Norman reached upon location… he unpacks and proceeded to the office… he approached the front desk…

Norman: Hie i called just now… im here regarding the kids program…

Lady in the back: Mr Norman i assume… Hie im Nora… we talked earlier… i’ll be the one coordinating the project with you… its a pleasure to meet you…

Norman: Me too…

Nora: I thought there is supposed to be three of you?

Norman: Ouh my colleagues had other matters to attend to… so what you see is what you get…

Nora: Ouhkae… my bosses cant make it either so… i guess its just between the two of us… you just go through your proposal with me and i’ll convey it to them…

Norman: Ouhkae…

The two then set off to a nearby meeting room and go about with their discussion…


SoME peOPLe aSsUmed THeY KnoW whAt is BeST fOr ThEm aND thEre Are otHErS wHO aSSumEd ThaT thEy KnoW whAt iS bEsT foR oThErs… its getting more confusing ryte? Do you people want me to end this stuff or keep on going keeping u on the edge of your seats…

aLL ApOloGieS…

aLL ApOloGieS…
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007


The next morning… Rauf woke up feeling refreshed… He called up his two buddies and told them he’d be late for work… he had a hearty breakfast and then went for the fone…

Rauf: Hello sweetheart… i dont want you to say anything till im done… im soooo sorry ive been busy of late and i have been ignoring you… im so sorry i didnt listen to your problems of you and many more… i know im a fool im a jerk… i cant believe that i even had the heart to think of wanting to give a try to someone else… i know now that you’re the most important person in my life… i cant go on living like this… i need you.. i want you… i love you….. okay you can speak now…

Phone on the other end: Im sorry to dissapoint Rauf… but Linda is kinda busy at the moment…

Rauf: Err… Joanna…. how are you?

Joanna: Im fine Rauf… thx for asking… mind if i ask you to repeat what you said again… its sweet but kinda long for me to remember… can i like write it down and pass it to her…

Rauf: *Embarassed* Errr…. its okay… juz tell her i called alrite… Why didnt you tell me…

Joanna: You didnt give me a chance to… anyway i find it so sweet i dont wanna spoil the moment…

Rauf: *turning red* Okie…. my bad… gd bye…


LoVE maKEs oNe Do StuPid And FuNnY ThiNgs But ThE thIng Is We aRE oTFtEN un-AmuSed aND FeeLiNG StUpiD… - QuOtE oF da DaY…

The PLaya In AcTiON…

The PLaya In AcTiON…
Sunday, December 31st, 2006


In that same night… On a hill top… Somewhere in singapore…

Danial: Its pretty isnt it…

Michelle: Who… me?

Danial: No silly im talking bout the stars… and the view from here…

Michelle: Aww…

Danial: Wanna know something? Im just like the stars…

Michelle: In what way is that?

Danial: Im not always there with you the whole day… but im always making sure Im watching over you… all night…

Michelle: Im sure most gerls get that from you…

Danial: Nope… youre the first…

Michelle: Every girl, every time is the First Time huh?

Danial: *smiles*

Michelle: Dani…

Danial: Yes?

Michelle: Do you love me?

Danial: Why of course… how can i not love a maiden such as yourself…

Michelle: Thats why… do you really love me… or do you just love this babe you see?

Danial: Of course i love you… all of it… why the sudden question?

Michelle: Nothing… its just that… something about this realtionship doesnt feel right anymore…
Danial: Why? Whats the matter? What makes you think so?

Michelle: I dont know… its a girls thing… you wont understand…

Danial: Ouch… dat hurts… coming from you it even hurts even more… I cant believe you’ve doubted me… you should’nt… not one drop…

Michelle: Its not that… i dont trust guys completely… you just cant…

Danial: Im not GUYS my love… im your GUY…

Michelle: Dani… lets not keep it a secret ok… i know about you before this… how ure the heart-breaker kid and all…

Danial: Huh? Who told you all that?

Michelle: You arent the only one who’s been a heart breaker boy~

Danial: Then isnt it a match made in heaven… two similar souls united with one cause… LOVE…

Michelle: As much as i find it romantic i won’t fall for that… Cmon.. i wanna go home… anymore of your sweet talk and id faint…

Danial: Then i’ll be there to catch you…

Michelle: Shut up~

Danial: You still dont believe me…

Michelle: *smiles and gives Danial a peck on his cheeks* Lets go…

So they left the place leaving it in silence as it was before they came… Then Danial sent Michelle home… Just after Michelle had left the car… Danial’s phone rang….

Danial: Hi baby~

Natalie: Are you still at work… its past eleven now…

Danial: Sorry dear… i was so engrossed i forgot to tell you ive just ended… im in the car now… where are you?

Natalie: Im at home… can talk to me?

Danial: Sure… i miss you and wanna you to accompany me on my drive home too…


ConFeSsIOn OF a Guy In LoVe…

ConFeSsIOn OF a Guy In LoVe…
Friday, December 29th, 2006


That night the conversation on the phone was going to be different…

Norman: Hie… had your dinner?

Nurul: Yarh… yourself?

Norman: Cant seem to…

Nurul: Why? Something bothering u ?

Norman: Not really…

Nurul: Is anything the matter… cmon dont keep stuffs from me…

Norman: Im not… its just that…

Nurul: Just what Normie… ?

Norman: The thing is… i wanna know where i stand….

Nurul: What do you mean? Youre standing where you are…

Norman: Nurul… You know what i mean…

Nurul: I dont…

Norman: *Sigh* Okay… you know i have my heart on you… you know i like you… do you not?

Nurul: Err….

Norman: Thing is… we’ve been doing lotsa stuff together but i dont find it enough… i wanna be more than just the guy who does things with you….

Nurul: You’re confusing me…

Norman: Okay… i want you to be my girl… to be mine… i want a confirmation of what our relationship is…

Nurul: Normie… i like being with you… i enjoy the moments we had and all… i had so much fun… but the thing is…

Norman: What?

Nurul: Im stuck between two… like i said im very comfortable with you i had lotsa fun… but… i want someone who can guarantee me with my future…

Norman: I know i have nothing now but i’ll make up for it… im learning… One day i’ll make it…

Nurul: Normie… im sorry if i dissapoint… but like i said its between you and him and i cant decide…

Norman: You liked him more? You enjoy being with him….? *sounded coarse holding back his emotions*

Nurul: No… like i said… youre a fun person to be with but…

Norman: But i have not what he has? Ure being materialistic…

Nurul: Im not… but if i can choose someone… i rather get one who can bring me a better tomorrow…

Norman: So you rather trade your happiness for him…

Nurul: Its not im unhappy with him either… i am…

Norman: So all these while… your playing me out… is it for fun? Using me to keep u happy and getting him to pamper you? Is that it…?

Nurul: Nooo….

Norman: Then??? You said u enjoyed being with me more… so why is it difficult to choose?

Nurul: Why are you being angry?

Norman: OF course im angry… after all these times… u lead me on… knowing that im just A STEPPING STONE? I GOT TO BE ANGRY….

Nurul: Why must you?

Norman: You still go the cheek to ask me why?

Nurul: So ure saying all these while the things you do… you wanted something in return? When you love someone you’d do something not wanting anything in return… you do it out of your heart… if u want something back it means ure not sincere in love… you’re so selfish…

Norman: I cant believe u said that… I guess this should be the end…

Nurul: I wont want to… but if that’s how you want it to be then fine…

Norman: *sigh*

Norman hangs up the fone… From an all time high he has juz reached the most bottom of pits… The last words from Nurul was like a stab thru the heart… not only that it PIERCED in and slit in slowly… a pain he never felt before… so this is the meaning of love… tears trickled down his eyes…


LoVe aN enTiTy CreatEd by The MinD bUT fElT by The HeaRt…

ThE One Who GoT aWaY…

ThE One Who GoT aWaY…
Wednesday, December 27th, 2006


Meanwhile… in another part of the island… Norman was deep in his thoughts…
What do i know about relationships? Maybe theyre right… i didnt even get Nurul after so much promise…
Norman recalls his past…. *flash back black n white hehehehe*

One day a friend of Norman went over to him to explain his problem… He had jus fallen in love with a gerl whom his close friend… whom Norman knew as well… is eyeing onto… He opened up to Norman hoping that Norman would assist him in getting the gerl…

So Norman being the guy that he is… started approaching this gerl… Nurul… He tried meeting her and took every chance he could to try to talk to her… as he goes he kept "up-selling" this friend of him to her… As it goes by… it seems that this lady is un-interested in either of the friend he’s helping or the other that he knew… And with a twist of fate… He was the one INSTEAD who fell in love…

Norman always dont care about relationships thinking its a waste of time… he always finds that women only bog you down… but boy did he change… he started doing things that was never imaginable to him… Hours on the phone… Waking up early juz to accompany Nurul to school… Heck he even tries keeping her company on all her activities… Love makes you do stupid things they say… but thats not all it does… it makes u blind too….

For Norman didnt read the signs… all she wanted from him was a close friendship… and nothing more… he on the other hand pinned so much hope… One day he decided to put the whole thing behind him and finally has the strength to put up the question….


WaKinG uP THe PasT in ThE PrEsEnt… EnLiGhTenIng THe FuTurE…

WaKinG uP THe PasT in ThE PrEsEnt… EnLiGhTenIng THe FuTurE…
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006


That night as usual Rauf sat on his bed with his lappy… Then… his eyes got caught on an icon on his PC… A file, Linda gave him as a gift before their engagement… He opens it and there it displays the photos of their happy moments together… and as the videos and pictures play… in the background… this song is playing….

Song By Daniel BedingField…

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

Rauf stared blankly at the wall…
Rauf thoughts: My buddies are right… if i want her so much why should i look for another? I must win her back… The Rauf is BaCK!


MeMorIEs… SomE soNgS jUZ bRiNg BaCk MeMoRiEs…


Sunday, December 24th, 2006


|~ Continuation ~|

So the next day during lunch…

Norman: You what?

Rauf: I know im wrong its just that…

Danial: Just because you are still angry with that Mike it justifies you to do that?

Norman: Shut up Danial…

Rauf: Hey… its okay…

Norman: Huh? I thought u always agree with me to make him shut up…

Danial: Hehehe… sorry man… he’s on my side today…

Rauf: The thing is… guys… im not really very angry about Mike… nor about the ring missing…

Norman & Danial: THEN????

Rauf: Im feeling like Danial right now…

Danial: U MEAN U wanna be a playa?

Rauf: No… more like stuck in between…

Norman: What do you mean?

Rauf: Thing is… im not confident if Linda is the one…

Norman: Hey i thought you were always CONFIDENT that she is the ONLY ONE….

Rauf: Thats the thing bro… Linda is the only one i ever did knew… What if i met someone else… what would I do?

Danial: Then i can teach you how… *GRINS*

Norman: Danial!

Danial: Woopsie… anyway Rauf… Linda is one hella gerl… You can never ever find one like her… and she has all the things a guy wants in a gurl…
Rauf: Man… Like what you said… She is the only gerl i knew… from our schooling years till now… how long its been… 6 years now… till we recently got engaged and planning to wed in a few months…

Norman: Precisely… why the change NOW?

Rauf: I dont know… im just afraid….

Danial: Dont worry… as much as u always try… ure not superman u know… then too even superman have fears and weaknesses…

Norman: I still do not understand… why the change of hearts now? Why all of the sudden?

Rauf: Actually… Dani has something to do with it ?

Danial: HUH???? WHY ME?

Rauf: No thing is… u’re lucky… you always get to choose… i never did have a chance… its like i just have one… and im afraid if ONE DAY… just one day… a fair maiden comes… things go to shambles…

Norman: Its not you dont have a choice… you already made your choice… and its not a bad choice either…

Danial: He’s right… Linda is an excellent choice…

Rauf: Like i said Dani… uve seen plenty… ive lost count on the number u dated… ever since our school years… till now… i have not known another girl… Linda on the other hand… made friends in her school and look how happy she is now… with this Mike… I wanna know if there is like a FEMALE MIKE for me out there…

Norman: Why seek questions that with answers you dont want to know…

Rauf: Its important i need to know… You’re single Norman you’ll never understand…

Danial: If u wanna get one… i’ll be here…

Norman: No Dani… he doesnt need a FEMALE MIKE… The answers… he need not seek… for he knows what he needs to do…

Danial: Yarh… Mr Know it all… Can do it all… im confident that you can go through it…

Rauf: Like u said Dani im no Superman… even Superman has weaknesses…

Norman: I cant say any further… like what u said… im the one without a girlfriend… unlike you guys… what do i know bout matters of the heart… *sighs*
Danial: Hehahaha… emo lah u brudders!!! Hahahaha… Lunch’s on me… i cant see my friends paying when the’re in moods like this… And i thought im the only one with love problems… haha


MeN LiKe tO SeEk FoR ThiNgs ThaT theY not NEeD… For We knoW nOT whaT is FeAr… For FeaR ComEs FrOM whAT is uNKNoWn…

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Saturday, December 23rd, 2006


That night in Rauf’s home… with his I-Book on his lap… being cozy on his bed… and then…

|~MESSENGER with cam~|

Linda: Hie sweetie… been waiting for me long?

Rauf: Not really… kinda doing my work as well…

Linda: Does that mean you can’t talk to me?

Rauf: Look you wanna talk… just talk alright?

Linda: Im sorry… but i know you don’t like to be disturbed when ure busy working….

Rauf: Look… you wanna talk just talk don’t beat around the bush…

Linda: Im sorry… anyway dear guess what? This upcoming term break Mike’s gonna bring me and Joanna to his house in the countryside… we’ll get to see his farm and garden and all… its going to be sooo much fun… aint that great?

Rauf: Yarh sure is… very exciting… *heaves*

Linda: Cmon dear… cant u share with me my excitement…

Rauf: *sneers*

Linda: You see i hate to disturb you when ure working… its always like that… you dont miss me at all do u?

Rauf: Yada yada yada… did u contact me to nag or did u wanna talk?

Linda: Its not fair im the only one trying…

Rauf: So ure saying im not? You dont know what im going through…

Linda: How can i if you never tell me anything at all… you never were talking… You are always so distracted… When was the last time we did have a proper conversation?
Rauf: How can i when all you did was tell me about this MIKE!!!

Linda: What does that mean?

Rauf: You very well know… dont try to act like ure single there… we are already engaged… stop flirting with this MIKE!

Linda: Im glad you know we’re engaged… Coz I sometimes wonder whether I am or not with the way you treat me… *tears rolling* You said i dont know what you went through… i wonder if u ever did knew what i did… And I never ever was flirting with Mike... ive always been faithful… and thanks for making the allegations…

Linda is now offline

|~MESSENGER ends~|

Rauf deep in thoughts…
In his minds: What have i done? What is going on? What is happening to me?


thE EgOisT?