AlTerNaTE DiMenSiOn

Friday, October 17, 2008


Friday 17th October 2008


Goodness me… last post was in December 2007… its already OCTOBER now and I have not been updating my post. WorSe still the DeCembeR post is not Related to the StoRy… What have I been doing… I just got to stop doing things halfway… its so irritating from mY studies… to My work… EveN to mY relationships… it’ll end halfway… woops… not suppose to write these… the story is more important than mine… Ok thank you for still staying with me… here is the continuation.


Outside of Nora’s unit. Nora opened the door and Danial was waiting.

Nora: Sorry to keep you waiting. Went to wash up.

Danial: No worries babe… Well if you look and smell this good in 30 minutes I don’t mind waiting for an extra hour.

Nora: Dani… thx… im flattered but coming from you its soo…

Danial: What is wrong? Compliments is due where it is…

Nora: Hullo Mr Playa… any other gerls would have fallen for that but not me… I know the real Danial…

Danial: What? Its hard to be nice these days people don’t appreciate…

Nora: Sorry… didn’t mean to hurt u… sorry for “labelling” you…

Danial: Please eh…

Nora: Dani… I was wondering…

Danial: Yes?

Nora: Instead of being very nice and sweet to all the ladies you meet, what would it be like if you concentrate it all on only one woman…

Danial: You want to find out?

Nora: No thanks… but I can only imagine… but why don’t you?

Danial: Well… maybe girls don’t trust me… coz like you they all see me as a womaniser… so they don’t want to stay with me long… Dats why I always need to have another just in case it fails… I donno… Some questions we just do not have the answers to.

Nora: We all have the answers that we require… its only a matter of whether we are willing to accept the answers or not…

Danial: Speaking for yourself?

Nora was stunned her mind went blank. The question really took her aback. Danial only smiled and open the car door.

Danial: Hey im sorry… don’t worry my dear princess… lets go out to chill out tonight… so where to?

Nora: Anywhere would do Danial… anywhere that can take me away from what I feel….

Danial: Your wish is my command…

And Danial sets off….


Certain situations brings about differing personality in human “normal” behaviour. Pressure can make or break someone.

|~ How you behave is by choice of how you want to behave ~|


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