And TheN it was 3..
AnD theY Say onLY foolS rush In... BUt Hey ThatS what HappeNnEd. Try as You might BUt At Times you JusT cant ContROl emOtionS. FeElings are CreaTed by The Brain but Felt by thE HearT. PeOplE always tell You FOlloW youR heaRT. What they Didnt Tell You is ChoICes have ConseQuenCEs.
So AS a FoOl who FolLoweD hiS emoTions aND THink NOt I was BRaSH. It WOulD be okay If It waS 2005 bUT no LongeR itS noT. ThaT aNaLOgy Of bEar ThouGH A Better OPtioN This TiME does NOt Work in ThiS time...
A FiASCO luckY i DiDnt CreAte... I sHaLL juST kEEp thIS FeeLinG AnD leT in TimE it AbaDE...
No story still but a drama ensues... :)
AnD theY Say onLY foolS rush In... BUt Hey ThatS what HappeNnEd. Try as You might BUt At Times you JusT cant ContROl emOtionS. FeElings are CreaTed by The Brain but Felt by thE HearT. PeOplE always tell You FOlloW youR heaRT. What they Didnt Tell You is ChoICes have ConseQuenCEs.
So AS a FoOl who FolLoweD hiS emoTions aND THink NOt I was BRaSH. It WOulD be okay If It waS 2005 bUT no LongeR itS noT. ThaT aNaLOgy Of bEar ThouGH A Better OPtioN This TiME does NOt Work in ThiS time...
A FiASCO luckY i DiDnt CreAte... I sHaLL juST kEEp thIS FeeLinG AnD leT in TimE it AbaDE...
No story still but a drama ensues... :)