AlTerNaTE DiMenSiOn

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

CluELeSS or JusT PlaIN DuMB?

CluELeSS or JusT PlaIN DuMB?
2nd September 2009


AnD It RaInED and It RaInED all dAY… They Say the RaiN brIngs about WeaLTH… For The RaIN brings aBoUt Life… AnD on This very RaInY DaY… Shall begin a NeW LiFE… The RaIN wash Not OnLY The SoRROws but it CleaNSeS and puRifIES… It CooLS aND SooTHes This HeaRT… AnD IN this RaIn… I COuLD HIDe… As teaRs TrIcKlIng Out… whIlE I CriED oUt My HeaRT… As I AsK mySeLF… If ThiS is For Us… WhY aM I LeFt AlOnE…


In a carpark somewhere…

Nurul: Normie… you’ve been quite the whole while… anything the matter?

Norman: Nope… everything ok…

Nurul: But u don’t look ok…

Norman: Must be the breeze… im still feeling cold… mind if I don’t walk u up?

Nurul: Its ok… I can manage… u take care alright? You don’t look too good…

Noman: Ok… Good Night Yul…

Nurul: Good night Normie… thanks…

Norman: Welcome…

Norman made his way home. His mind was filled with thoughts of the times he had wwith Nurul. He was young then… still in his early twenties… though it has been so long it seems like it was a fresh memory… Like it only happen yesterday… he had never felt so happy… every day his eyes would light up like a boy getting a toy he so badly wanted for his birthday… but the smile also brings about the tears… for with the joy comes the pain… Without him realising he was already at his home carpark… with him still reminiscing his life not long ago… the silence was broken with a call on his phone…

Norman: Hello…

Danial: *shouts* DUDE YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!

Norman: Huh?

Danial: I really can’t figure out what is going out in that head of yours Man… I always thought you were the one who wants to keep people together… I always thought you were a member of the PEACE Corps… But you disappoint me bro~

Norman: I don’t get you? What are you trying to say?

Danial: You are really dumb!

Norman: Dani… tell me whats going on?

Danial: Guess where I am and what im doing?

Norman: You are out with Nora for dinner….?

Danial: Ditto… and why am I doing that?

Norman: Because you people are out celebrating?

Danial: And there is nothing wrong with that?

Norman: Yarh… you guys are celebrating for a job well done…

Danial: Hello… Earth to Dani! You don’t get it do you?

Norman: What?

Danial: Normie cant believe you can be a real JERK!

*incoming call tone*

Norman: Sorry Dani ive an incoming call… *proceeds to next line* Hello…

Nurul: Hello Dani? Home yet?

Norman: Sorry Yul but im on the line can I call u back later?

Nurul: Sure…

Norman: *hangs up* Hello Dani? Hello?
Dani hanged up. Norman tried recalling Danial on his cell but there is no reply…

Norman: *thinking* What is it now? Just what is going on… what have I done?


|~ Dont take long to figure whats going on till when u do they are already gone... ~|

I donno what im saying... thats what going on my head right now...